The key to reduce food waste ~Local food~ (Answer of Q.26)
Have you ever heard this word "Local consumption of locally produced" ? It is translated into "地産地消(chisan-chishō)" in Japanese. Maybe many people heard this word, but they may not understand what the good points of it. So I will find out the merits of it and collocate with the solutions of food waste.
We found a lot of food at the supermarket that come from many different places. In addition, we see many seasonal vegetables or fruits there all year round. Most of them are transported by trucks, ships and other transportations. So most food we see ordinarily cost longest food mil
es to transport. Also, they use energy to transport food, and they cannot help emitting gases that do harm for environment. But the local food need less energy to be transported, so it is eco-friendly.
By the way what is related to the solution of food waste? I think the local food will be a solution of food waste from the perspective of "Food education". Buying local food means to learn the story of farmers; you will regard the vegetables as the more precious things. Then you will refrain from leaving part of your meals.
I think the sites I referred to is trustworthy because the points of local food are described simply and clearly.
Food Miles. (n.d.). Retrieved from good food, close to you. (n.d.). Retrieved from
You make a good connection between food waste and non-locally produced foods. Actually, when we buy foods at farmers' markets, such as the one in front of the United Nations University on weekends, less food packaging is used, or none at all. That eliminates not only food waste but also plastic and paper waste.
Joseph D.
I knew the word 地産地消 becuase my hometown is Miyazaki prefecture which is a countrytown. They make vegetable by themselves and give it to people around their house and don't waste food they made. I knew the system but didn't know what kind of relation there is between food waste solution so it was very interesting finding out on your blog.
返信削除Food waste is a problem sitting right next to us and there's a lot to redeem on. Looking at myself, I realized that i have wasted so much food just because I cant finish it all or simply I just didnt like what i had on my plate. If japan had doggy bag culture like the us, at least food waste at a restaurant would be reduced to some extent i believe. But, it might cause another issue of waste. I just hope some state-of-the-art technology appears, and solve the problem.