From children's perspective (Answers of Q8, Q9, Q10, Q11 and Q22 )

I am a student in elementary school. Now I am going to research the issues of food waste from my view.

  • Q8. What is the food that children like the best?
  • Q9. What is the vegetable that children hate the most?
  • Q10. Is food preference connected to food waste?
I often ask my friends like " What is your favorite food? ", and the opposite, too. Most students tend to name some major food such as shrimp fries, deep-fried chicken and hamburger steaks as favoirite food. On the other hand, I hear many students hate green pepper and green peas. But can this tendency be found in children all over Japan?

To discover this, I found two interesting research. First, according to the website of Gurunavi, "curry and rice" ranked the top as children's favorite food. Following this, "sushi" and "deep-fried chicken" ranked the second and third place respectively. On the contrary, the website of Takii Nursery Company shows a data, which indicates that "green pepper" ranked the worst as favorite food and "bitter cucumber" and "tomato" are following this. It seems to me that the tendency of food preference among children is common all over Japan.

  • Q11. What is the system of school lunch in the world?
  • Q22. Which kind of food allegy is the most one that people suffer from, and is it related to food waste?
In my school, I always see many children leave some of their school lunch. I think that this problem is related to the preference of food. However, teachers do not force us to eat all of the school lunch that is served. According to one article, a teacher forced students not to leave their school lunch, and 5 students got out of condition. It seems that eat-full-of-school-lunch policy is not so accepted recently. In addition, this policy is not accepted for another reason: that is, food allergy. In these days, more and more people are suffering from food allergy. Some of the common food allergies are milk, soy, eggs or wheat. These food are often served in school lunch. Of course, teachers must not force children to eat allergic food. So teachers tolerate students leaving their school lunch helplessly.

I think that the increasing food waste is connected to the preference of food and the food allergy. Also,  I was convinced that the issues of food waste had not been solved because of educational problem.

P.S. The second and third paragraph are the answers of Q8, Q9 and Q10. And the fourth paragraph describes the answers of Q11 and Q22.

今と昔でどう違う? 昭和と平成で違う?こどもの好きなもの、嫌いなものランキング - ぐるなびWEBマガジン. (n.d.). Retrieved from

タキイ種苗株式会社. (n.d.). Retrieved from

SANKEI DIGITAL INC. (2017, September 26). 「給食残さず食べなさい」...完食指導で児童5人嘔吐 50代教諭を厳重注意処分 岐阜市教委. Retrieved from

Reed, K. (2017, October 16). 10 Most Common Food Allergies In Children. Retrieved from


  1. Very well researched and these are convincing perspectives. I hadn't considered the contribution of food preferences and food allergies on food waste before. So, these are fresh perspectives for me.
    Joseph D.


