How to manage to eat your food that you dislike (Answer of Q.30)

It seems that many people have some food that they dislike and leave them when they are included in their served meals. This may be one of the causes of food waste. Of course, it is difficult to make people like the food that they dislike, but there are some solutions to make the people overcome their bad image to the food.

For example, a green pepper, that frequently ranks the top as the food that children hate, has a possibility that the bitter taste in it should be removed; if you cut it along its fibers, the bitter ingredients in it are less generated, so you will not feel it bitter.

In addition to the solution by changing how to cook, it is a good way to grow vegetables by yourself. Particularly for children, it would be fun to grow vegetables by their own. Then the children may eat the vegetables favorably.

"Overcoming the food that you dislike" will contribute to the solution of food waste. The little things that is similar to us can be a big power to solve the problem.

Posted by Wataru

「野菜嫌い」もこれで卒業!こどもと楽しむベランダ菜園のススメ | 子供とお出かけ情報「いこーよ」. (n.d.). Retrieved from

ピーマンが苦くない切り方とは?種取りと下ごしらえ方法も!. (n.d.). Retrieved from

